Polishing the Pulpit
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5 years ago

Episode 4: Hot-Button Issues: Are Women Respected and Treated Equal in Churches of Christ?

David Shannon, PTP 2015

Episode Notes

Notes go hereEach year, Polishing the Pulpit has 100s of classes across a wide range of subjects such as textual studies, practical lessons related to families, leadership training, and preaching advice. Also, numerous hot-button-issues are covered with topics such as the Christian’s response to politics, difficult Bible passages, racial relations, and more addressed.

This week’s episode is from a 2015 keynote titled “Are women respected and treated equal in churches of Christ?” taught by brother David Shannon. This is not the sort of lesson that is taught often in local churches, but the Biblical truths discussed are both important and relevant to today’s world.

In order to help you keep your train of thought, we are not going to take a break during the middle of this week’s episode, so we are going to remind you now about Polishing the Pulpit 2019. The dates are August 16-22 and it will be held at the Sevierville Convention Center in Sevierville, TN. You can learn more about tuition prices, speakers, and lodging at polishingthepulpit.com