Polishing the Pulpit
Renew. Refresh. Recharge.
5 years ago

Episode 8: How to Keep Your Faith when It's Tough

Norris Cole, PTP 2018

Episode Notes

Notes go hereAs you may know, the Superbowl is this weekend, the United State’s single-largest sporting event each year. Over 100 million people will tune in to watch the game, about ⅓ of our population. In a society where sports are oftentimes given more attention than religion and players discussed more often than Jesus, it can be easy for people, especially young people, to get our priorities out of balance.

In light of this, today’s podcast is going to be a little different from the others. This week’s episode is an interview with brother Norris Cole, a 2-time NBA Champion who played in the NBA for 6 seasons. During this interview, he talks about staying faithful while being a professional athlete. It was one of our highest-rated classes from PTP 2018, and we are excited to share it with you. We especially encourage parents to listen to this with their children, maybe while driving or during family Bible time.

Before we get started though, I wanted to share a little news about PTP 2019. The schedule is nearing completion and work on registration has begun. We’ll be sharing some more information in the following few weeks, but wanted to remind you today to pencil us in for August 16-22 for Polishing the Pulpit. Brother Cole (and 100s of other speakers) have already confirmed, and we would love to have you join us.